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TFT’s Fun Outdoor Barbecue Party

On 18th August,2023, TFT organized a team-building activity of outdoor self-service barbecue party in a beautiful garden Yihuagong in Nanjing. We had a great time bonding and enjoying delicious food together.
There were a lot of various entertainment such as singing, playing cards, chatting, eating, drinking, etc in the party. Laughter echoed through the air as teammates engaged in friendly banter and stories were shared around the campfire. Children chased and played games happily around us, which made the party more fun.
We firmly believe that a connected and harmonious team is the key to success. By organizing such events, we create an environment that fosters collaboration, builds trust, and enhances the overall work experience. We are proud to be a company where individuals are respected as unique contributors to our shared vision.
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